I have two apps (Mojolicious) on the same server. I use nginx to route requests to each app depending on the incoming URL. App A is called for urls starting with
and similarly with App B.
Both apps are interactive, for example on clicking a button I want to POST to same server via XHR. In addition to the XHR requests, I have CSS and JS files.
I know how to remove the "A" and the "B" at the nginx level e.g.
location ~ ^/A(.*)$ {
But when I do this obviously the XHR requests do not work because they go back to nginx without that "A" or "B".
Do I have to hardcode the "A" and the "B" in each url mentioned in each app? Do I have to say "/A/css/my.css" and "/B/css/my.css"?
I am looking of a way to remove the "A" and the "B" from each app for portability and simplicity.
And I am a bit confused too.
Mojo handler:
(e.g., App A)
get '/css/:file' => sub {
my $c = shift;
my $file = $c->param('file');
# Remove the "A" prefix from URL
$file =~ s{^A/}{};
Nginx configuration:
location /A {
rewrite ^/A(.*) /$1 break;