I would like to comment on a pull request from a script using gh
github cli. When using the web interface one could click on a change, like in: How can I manually add suggestions in code reviews on GitHub? and add a comment but I can't find any such options for the cli tool.
the linked manual or gh --help
not offer any further insights. Is there a magic markup format to be used in the body or is this not supported from cli?
$ gh pr comment --help
Add a comment to a GitHub pull request.
Without the body text supplied through flags, the command will interactively
prompt for the comment text.
gh pr comment [<number> | <url> | <branch>] [flags]
-b, --body text The comment body text
-F, --body-file file Read body text from file (use "-" to read from standard input)
--edit-last Edit the last comment of the same author
-e, --editor Skip prompts and open the text editor to write the body in
-w, --web Open the web browser to write the comment
--help Show help for command
-R, --repo [HOST/]OWNER/REPO Select another repository using the [HOST/]OWNER/REPO format
$ gh pr comment 13 --body "Hi from GitHub CLI"
Use `gh <command> <subcommand> --help` for more information about a command.
Read the manual at https://cli.github.com/manual
The features are not available in CLI with the gh pr comment
command but they are available in the REST API which can be used by the gh cli with a command like this:
# GitHub CLI api
# https://cli.github.com/manual/gh_api
gh api \
--method POST \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \
-H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \
/repos/OWNER/REPO/pulls/PULL_NUMBER/comments \
-f body='Great stuff!' \
-f commit_id='6dcb09b5b57875f334f61aebed695e2e4193db5e' \
-f path='file1.txt' \
-F start_line=1 \
-f start_side='RIGHT' \
-F line=2 \
-f side='RIGHT'