I have the following that downloads mail...
Using vClient As New ImapClient(New ProtocolLogger("C:\Temp\imap3.log"))
vClient.Connect("outlook.office365.com", 993, SecureSocketOptions.SslOnConnect)
vNumber = vClient.Inbox.Count
If vNumber > 0 Then
Using wr As New StreamWriter("C:\Temp\EmailMessages.txt", True)
' vClient.Inbox.Open(FolderAccess.ReadOnly)
Dim UIDS = vClient.Inbox.Search(SearchQuery.All)
Dim vItems = vClient.Inbox.Fetch(UIDS, MessageSummaryItems.InternalDate Or MessageSummaryItems.Flags)
For i As Integer = 0 To UIDS.Count - 1
Dim vAttachments As Integer = 0
Dim Message = vClient.Inbox.GetMessage(i)
Dim vSubject As String = Message.Subject
If vSubject = "" Then
vSubject = "No Subject"
End If
Dim vBody As String = Message.HtmlBody
If vBody = "" Then
vBody = "No message was included"
End If
Dim vSender As String = Message.From.Mailboxes.FirstOrDefault().Address
Dim vSenderName As String = Message.From.Mailboxes.FirstOrDefault().Name
Dim vSize As String = MessageSummaryItems.Size
Dim vTempDate As String = MessageSummaryItems.InternalDate
Message.WriteTo(String.Format("{0}.eml", i))
vMessage = Message.ToString
' wr.WriteLine(vMessage)
Dim vInboxID As Integer = 0
strSQL = "INSERT INTO Mail_Inbox (Inbox_From, Inbox_Subject, Inbox_Body, Inbox_SenderName, Inbox_Size, Inbox_TempDate, Inbox_Content) VALUES ("
strSQL += "'" & vSender & "', "
strSQL += "'" & SubmitText(vSubject) & "', "
strSQL += "'" & SubmitHTML(vBody) & "',"
strSQL += "'" & SubmitText(vSenderName) & "', "
strSQL += "'" & vSize & "', "
strSQL += "'" & SubmitText(vTempDate) & "', "
strSQL += "'" & SubmitHTML(vMessage) & "')"
vInboxID = InsertDataReturnID_Data(strSQL, 0, "238", True)
For Each attachment As MimeEntity In Message.Attachments
Dim vFilename = If(attachment.ContentDisposition?.FileName, attachment.ContentType.Name)
Dim vByte() As Byte = Nothing
Using vStream As New MemoryStream
If TypeOf attachment Is MessagePart Then
Dim rfc822 = CType(attachment, MessagePart)
vByte = vStream.ToArray
Dim vPart = CType(attachment, MimePart)
vByte = vStream.ToArray
End If
If InsertEmailAttachment(vByte, vInboxID, vFilename) = False Then
'There was an error here
End If
End Using
vAttachments += 1
If vAttachments > 0 Then
strSQL = "UPDATE Mail_Inbox SET Flag_Attachment = '" & vAttachments & "' WHERE Inbox_ID = " & vInboxID
InsertData_Data(strSQL, 0, "278", True)
End If
' vClient.Inbox.AddFlags(UniqueId, MessageFlags.Deleted, True)
End Using
End If
End Using
Ignore the StreamWriter (just used initially to test, it now writes to a DB)
There are three items I am trying to format. The date of the email, the size of the email and a method to delete everything on the server once they have been downloaded.
I can see that the dates are being fetched...
C: A00000007 UID FETCH 2,5,8,12,15,37,40 (FLAGS INTERNALDATE)
S: * 1 FETCH (FLAGS () INTERNALDATE "01-Feb-2024 08:16:36 +0000" UID 2)
S: * 2 FETCH (FLAGS () INTERNALDATE "01-Feb-2024 15:15:02 +0000" UID 5)
S: * 3 FETCH (FLAGS () INTERNALDATE "01-Feb-2024 16:44:16 +0000" UID 8)
S: * 4 FETCH (FLAGS () INTERNALDATE "02-Feb-2024 07:57:12 +0000" UID 12)
S: * 5 FETCH (FLAGS () INTERNALDATE "24-Feb-2024 13:53:39 +0000" UID 15)
S: * 6 FETCH (FLAGS () INTERNALDATE "25-Feb-2024 08:02:54 +0000" UID 37)
S: * 7 FETCH (FLAGS () INTERNALDATE "25-Feb-2024 13:48:07 +0000" UID 40)
S: A00000007 OK FETCH completed.
But the data I am getting for all the records is inbox_size = 64 and Inbox_Date (as string) = 32
I tried a few variations of Inbox.AddFlags(UniqueId, MessageFlags.Deleted, True) to delete all the records once they are downloaded but can't get the syntax right.
Other than that, everything else works.
Any pointers would be appreciated.
Change this:
Dim Message = vClient.Inbox.GetMessage(i)
to this:
Dim Message = vClient.Inbox.GetMessage(vItems[i].UniqueId)
Then, to get strings representing the size and date, change these lines:
Dim vSize As String = MessageSummaryItems.Size
Dim vTempDate As String = MessageSummaryItems.InternalDate
to this:
Dim vSize As String = vItems[i].Size
Dim vTempDate As String = vItems[i].InternalDate
Then, to delete the message, change this line:
vClient.Inbox.AddFlags(UniqueId, MessageFlags.Deleted, True)
to this:
vClient.Inbox.AddFlags(vItems[i].UniqueId, MessageFlags.Deleted, True)