
Does we have the option to add product to amazon seller account through API?

I need the API to create product on Amazon Seller account from API for a python project. How to do that. Can anyone please help.


  • Yes, Amazon provides an API called the Amazon Marketplace Web Service (Amazon MWS) that allows you to programmatically manage your Amazon Seller account, including adding products. Here's a brief overview of the steps you need to take:

    Here is some sample code on how to do it (replace placeholders like 'YourAccessKey', 'YourSecretKey', etc., with your actual Amazon MWS credentials and data):

    import requests
    import hashlib
    import base64
    import hmac
    import time
    def generate_amazon_mws_signature(secret_key, service_url, params):
        canonical_query_string = '&'.join([f'{key}={params[key]}' for key in sorted(params)])
        string_to_sign = f"POST\n{service_url}\n/\n{canonical_query_string}"
        signature = base64.b64encode(, string_to_sign.encode(), hashlib.sha256).digest()).decode()
        return signature
    def submit_feed(access_key, secret_key, merchant_id, marketplace_id, feed_type, feed_content):
        service_url = ''
        endpoint = '/Feeds/2009-01-01'
        params = {
            'AWSAccessKeyId': access_key,
            'Action': 'SubmitFeed',
            'Merchant': merchant_id,
            'MWSAuthToken': 'YourMWSAuthToken',  # If applicable
            'FeedType': feed_type,
            'MarketplaceIdList.Id.1': marketplace_id,
            'PurgeAndReplace': 'false',  # Set to 'true' if you want to replace existing data
            'SignatureMethod': 'HmacSHA256',
            'SignatureVersion': '2',
            'Timestamp': time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ', time.gmtime()),
            'Version': '2009-01-01',
        signature = generate_amazon_mws_signature(secret_key, service_url + endpoint, params)
        params['Signature'] = signature
        headers = {'Content-Type': 'text/xml'}
        response ='{service_url}{endpoint}', params=params, headers=headers, data=feed_content)
        # Process the response as needed
    # Example usage
    access_key = 'YourAccessKey'
    secret_key = 'YourSecretKey'
    merchant_id = 'YourMerchantID'
    marketplace_id = 'YourMarketplaceID'
    feed_type = '_POST_PRODUCT_DATA_'  # Or other appropriate feed type
    feed_content = 'YourFeedContent'  # Actual product data in XML or flat file format
    submit_feed(access_key, secret_key, merchant_id, marketplace_id, feed_type, feed_content)

    If you want to learn more about it, use the link below