I would like to select text, press a hotkey to trigger an application open, paste the selected text into the newly opened application. In my case, my application is called everything, a file locator on windows. It was stored under D drive, and updated to the latest version.
Here is my code:
A_Clipboard := ""
; Copy selected text to clipboard
Send "^c"
ClipWait ; Wait for 2 seconds for clipboard to contain text
SetTitleMatchMode 2
if WinExist("*everything*")
MsgBox "Everything was found."
; Use the window found by WinExist.
else {
Run "D:\Downloads\everything\Everything.exe"
Sleep 1000
SendInput A_Clipboard
Send "^v"
MsgBox "Everything was not found."
This script copies the selected text, opens the application. The problem is that it does not paste the selected text into Everything.
If I press ctrl+V manually, the selected text will paste into the search window in Everything. WinExist can not find Everything, I tested with a message box. The winTitle of Everything is "everything.exe".
Please help. Thank you.
Try it this way:
#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
A_Clipboard := ""
; Copy selected text to clipboard
Send "^c"
if !ClipWait(2)
MsgBox "The attempt to copy text onto the clipboard failed."
Run "D:\Downloads\everything\Everything.exe" " -s `"" A_Clipboard "`""