
Does Backstage expose an endpoint for accessing the published OpenAPI spec for a given API?

For a casual user of Backstage, it is not immediately obvious how you can access a published API spec in its raw (non-HTML rendered) form. I tried clicking around, but I found no obvious solution that would just render the spec as plain text. The closest thing was the Definition -> Raw option, but that could not be used as part of a pipeline using curl without parsing HTML ...

Any way I can access the raw yaml spec?


  • Got it after some experimentation trying to find the base API url and some fiddling with the docs:


    This would serve the YAML spec definition, encoded as JSON. Maybe there is a way of achieving this in a simpler way (please post a better version :)), but I did it like this in my script:

        curl -s -H 'Accept: application/json' \
            ",$NAME" \
            | jq '.items[0].spec.definition' > .tmp.result.json
        # Get rid of embedded newlines
        node -r 'fs' -p 'JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("./.tmp.result.json").toString())' \
            > ./specs/$NAME.spec.yaml
        rm .tmp.result.json
    fetch my-api # results in specs/my-api.spec.yaml being written