I have written a PowerShell script to save bcdedit /firmware
output to an arrays.
function FWList {
$FWStore = bcdedit /enum firmware
$FWOS = ($FWStore | select-string identifier,device,path,description) -notmatch '{fwbootmgr}'
for ( $n=0; $n -lt $FWOS.count; $n++ ) {
if ( $FWOS[$n] -match 'identifier' ) {
if ( $FWOS[$($n + 1 )] -match 'device' ) {
des = $FWOS[$($n + 3)].line.TrimStart('description').Trim()
id = $FWOS[$n].line.Split()[-1]
path = $FWOS[$($n + 2)].line.Split()[-1]
dev = $FWOS[$($n + 1)].line.Split()[-1]
} else {
des = $FWOS[$($n + 1)].line.TrimStart('description').Trim()
id = $FWOS[$n].line.Split()[-1]
# Example Usage
FWList | Format-List #To show in List view
FWList | Format-Table #To show in Table view
(FWList)[1..3] | Foreach {$_.des}
Below an example output of command FWList | Format-List
des : Windows Boot Manager
id : {bootmgr}
path : \EFI\Microsoft\Boot\bootmgfw.efi
dev : partition=\Device\HarddiskVolume3
des : ATA HDD: ADATA SU650
id : {ed2a2e5c-bb68-11ee-89e6-806e6f6e6963}
For some reason I just wanted to rewrite the script in a Batch.
I tried like this but confused about how to continue...
Anyone can help?
@echo off
set "FWOSList=bcdedit /enum firmware ^| findstr "identifier description device path" ^| findstr /v "{fwbootmgr}""
set arr=0
for /F "usebackq tokens=1-4" %%a in ( `%FWOSList%` ) DO (
if /I "%%a[%arr%]"=="identifier" set ID[%arr%]=%%b
set /a arr+=1
rem get description, identifier, device, path
bcdedit /enum firmware
call at the heart of your solution to succeed, it must be run from an elevated session. Therefore, so must the code below.From your own batch-file attempt it looks like you're only looking for the values on the lines that start with identifier
, except for the line whose value is {fwbootmgr}
@echo off & setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
:: Loop over all "identifier" lines of interest and store the 2nd
:: whitespace-separated token of each
:: in individual ID[%ndx%] variables that emulate an array.
set i=0
for /f "usebackq tokens=2" %%a in (`
bcdedit /enum firmware ^| findstr "^identifier " ^| findstr /v "{fwbootmgr}"
`) do set "ID[!i!]=%%a" & set /a i=i+1
:: Example processing:
:: Print all ID[%ndx%] variables that were created.
echo -- Resulting ID[%%ndx%%] variables:
set ID[
:: Target a specific variable, the 2nd one in this example.
set i=1
echo -- Value of ID[%i%]:
echo !ID[%i%]!
If you need to ensure that no preexisting Item[%ndx%]
variables exist, place the following before the for /f
for /f "delims==" %%i in ('Set Item[ 2^>NUL') do set "%%i="
If you want to capture all values, in multiple emulated arrays each corresponding to one of the properties in the output from your PowerShell code:
Emulating what the PowerShell code does in a batch file would be exceedingly cumbersome.
Therefore, call your PowerShell code from your batch file, via powershell.exe
, the Windows PowerShell CLI.
To make parsing of the output easier for your batch file, instruct the PowerShell code to produce CSV output, using ConvertTo-Csv
@echo off & setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
set i=0
for /f "usebackq tokens=1-4 delims=," %%a in (`
powershell -NoProfile -Command "function FWList { $FWStore = bcdedit /enum firmware; $FWOS = ($FWStore | select-string identifier,device,path,description) -notmatch '{fwbootmgr}'; for ( $n=0; $n -lt $FWOS.count; $n++ ) { if ( $FWOS[$n] -match 'identifier' ) { if ( $FWOS[$($n + 1 )] -match 'device' ) { [PsCustomObject]@{ des = $FWOS[$($n + 3)].line.TrimStart('description').Trim(); id = $FWOS[$n].line.Split()[-1]; path = $FWOS[$($n + 2)].line.Split()[-1]; dev = $FWOS[$($n + 1)].line.Split()[-1]; } } else { [PsCustomObject]@{ des = $FWOS[$($n + 1)].line.TrimStart('description').Trim(); id = $FWOS[$n].line.Split()[-1] } } } } }; FWList | ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation | select -Skip 1"
`) do set "DES[!i!]=%%~a" & set "ID[!i!]=%%~b" & set "PATH[!i!]=%%~c" & set "DEV[!i!]=%%~d" & set /a i=i+1
:: Example processing:
:: Print all "array variables" that were created.
echo -- Resulting DEV[%%ndx%%] variables:
set DES[
echo -- Resulting ID[%%ndx%%] variables:
set ID[
echo -- Resulting PATH[%%ndx%%] variables:
set PATH[
echo -- Resulting DEV[%%ndx%%] variables:
set DEV[