I remember using this code on Xcode 14 (to print the SSID of the WIFI where the device is connected) without problem:
import Foundation
import SystemConfiguration.CaptiveNetwork
import NetworkExtension
struct MainView: View {
@State var newlocationManager = NewLocationManager()
var body: some View {
VStack {
Button() {
}label: {
Text("get SSID")
}.task {
try? await newlocationManager.requestUserAuthorization()
try? await newlocationManager.startCurrentLocationUpdates()
// remember that nothing will run here until the for try await loop finishes
func getWIFISSID() {
NEHotspotNetwork.fetchCurrent(completionHandler: { (network) in
if let unwrappedNetwork = network {
let networkSSID = unwrappedNetwork.ssid
print("Network: \(networkSSID) and signal strength %d", unwrappedNetwork.signalStrength)
} else {
print("No available network")
#Preview {
The code for the NewLocationManager is:
class NewLocationManager {
var location: CLLocation? = nil
private let locationManager = CLLocationManager()
func requestUserAuthorization() async throws {
func startCurrentLocationUpdates() async throws {
for try await locationUpdate in CLLocationUpdate.liveUpdates() {
guard let location = locationUpdate.location else { return }
self.location = location
As needed I have the correct location permission and the "Access WIFI Information" capability. But I got:
NEHotspotNetwork failed to communicate to helper server for Wi-Fi information request
NEHotspotNetwork nehelper sent invalid result code [5] for Wi-Fi information request
No available network
Somebody has got the SSID wifi information of an iOS device successfully on Xcode 15?
Got working now.
I just forgot to add the import CoreLocation
library on the MainView.
Just adding this line it works ok and the program prints:
Network: VM7687400 and signal strength %d 0.0
as expected.