Using Dot language and Graphviz to render, I've been able to create two boxes (nodes) labelled "A" and "B", one above the other, with a dashed bounding box around them:
digraph G {
// Define a subgraph representing the outer box
subgraph outer_box {
cluster=true; // Designate this subgraph as a cluster in order to enable the boundary box
rankdir="TB"; // Arrange boxes from top to bottom
style=dashed; // Fill the outer box with color
fillcolor=lightgray; // Set the fill color of the outer box
// Top box with text "A"
node [shape=box, style=filled, fillcolor=lightblue];
A [label="A"];
// Bottom box with text "B"
node [shape=box, style=filled, fillcolor=lightyellow];
B [label="B"];
// Connect boxes
A -> B [style=invis]; // Invisible edge to stack boxes vertically
The visualization can be viewed here, and it looks like this:
How can I make the outer, dashed box connect to another box with the label "C"?
I.e. I would like to generate a picture like this:
I'm open to any change in the class/type of outer_box
, A
, and/or B
; their respective classification as cluster-subgraphs and nodes is just from my current state of experimenting with the Dot language.
I've tried creating C
as another cluster subgraph, then adding a outer_box -> C
statement, but that didn't work. I have also been reading the Graphviz/Dot language documentation at, but I have not yet found an example that aligns with what I'm trying to achieve.
Not as easily as one might like, but you can get the graph you describe. Look at:
digraph G {
compound=true // allow edges to-from clusters (pseudo)
rankdir="TB"; // only valid if applied to Root graph - Arrange boxes from top to bottom
ranksep=.25 // snug up the ranks
newrank=true // allow rank=same to apply to ALL nodes, not just those in same cluster
// Define a subgraph representing the outer box
subgraph outer_box {
cluster=true; // Designate this subgraph as a cluster in order to enable the boundary box
style=dashed; // Fill the outer box with color
fillcolor=lightgray; // Set the fill color of the outer box
// Top box with text "A"
node [shape=box, style=filled, fillcolor=lightblue];
A [label="A"];
// Bottom box with text "B"
node [shape=box, style=filled, fillcolor=lightyellow];
B [label="B"];
dummy [shape=point height=0 width=0 label="" style=invis] // place a node in-between A & B
// Connect boxes
A -> dummy ->B [style=invis]; // Invisible edge to stack boxes vertically
C [shape=box]
{rank=same dummy C}
// the empty label pushes C farther to the right of the cluster
dummy -> C [ltail=outer_box label=" "]