How to cancel routing? If user is not premium user, Try to not allow to move to target routing. For example, like below.
redirect: (BuildContext context, GoRouterState state) {
if (AuthState.of(context).isNotPremiumUser) {
// cancel routing
} else {
return null;
How to do "return false" with go_router?
I did some research but nothing very conclusive.
The only way i found is this.
redirect: (BuildContext context, GoRouterState state) {
if (AuthState.of(context).isNotPremiumUser) {
} else {
return null;
This cancels the navigation because the BuildContext of Redirect do not have permission to navigate. It also gives us a log which can be problematic or not.
Assertion failed: inherited != null "No GoRouter found in context"
If you find this method problematic you also can navigate user to NavigationErrorScreen
redirect: (BuildContext context, GoRouterState state) {
if (AuthState.of(context).isNotPremiumUser) {
return '/navigation_error';
} else {
return null;
Navigation Error screen says You do not have permission or something and there must be a button for going back.
Navigating user same exact location can be tricky but i think it achievable with path_params or just calculate user state and navigate home/sign_in screen with that button.