
Reading popen results in C++

I am writing a C++ application and I need to read the result of a system command.

I am using popen() more or less as shown here:

    const int MAX_BUFFER = 2048;
    string cmd="ls -l";
    char buffer[MAX_BUFFER];
    FILE *stream = popen(cmd.c_str(), "r");
    if (stream){
       while (!feof(stream))
            if (fgets(buffer, MAX_BUFFER, stream) != NULL)
               //here is all my code

I've been trying to re-write this in a different way. I saw some non-standard solutions like:

FILE *myfile;
std::fstream fileStream(myfile);
std::string mystring;
    // .... Here I do what I need

My compiler does not accept this though.

How can I read from popen in C++?


  • Your example:

    FILE *myfile;
    std::fstream fileStream(myfile);
    std::string mystring;

    Does't work because although you're very close the standard library doesn't provide an fstream that can be constructed from a FILE*. Boost iostreams does however provide an iostream that can be constructed from a file descriptor and you can get one from a FILE* by calling fileno.


    typedef boost::iostreams::stream<boost::iostreams::file_descriptor_sink>
    FILE *myfile; 
    // make sure to popen and it succeeds
    boost_stream stream(fileno(myfile));
    stream.set_auto_close(false); // https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/3517
    std::string mystring;

    Don't forget to pclose later still.

    Note: Newer versions of boost have deprecated the constructor which takes just a fd. Instead you need to pass one of boost::iostreams::never_close_handle or boost::iostreams::close_handle as a mandatory second argument to the constructor.