
Microsoft Excel: Writing a function to pass through a value and ALSO change the background color of a cell fails

Public Function Ecell(value As Double) As Double
    Ecell = value
    'Call xtest
End Function
Public Sub xtest()
        Range("A1").Interior.ColorIndex = 11
End Sub

If I use the function Ecell in a cell and give it a value - with the call to xtest commented out - it works fine. The value is just moved into the cell.

If I call the subroutine xtest on its own, it works fine. The color in cell A1 is correctly set.

If I uncomment the call to xtest in the function and use the function I get a VALUE error "A value used in the formula is of the wrong data type".

Any idea why? Anyone know a workaround?

I tried many combinations of function call and setting the color in the cell. These two routines indicate the problem in the simplest way.


  • I don't know where this is going, but you can try using the Calculate event. When you call your function, you set the value of the public variable, and the procedure is executed by the Calculate event.
    Put this code in a standard module:

    Public flag As Long
    Public Function Ecell(value As Double) As Double
        Ecell = value
        flag = 1
        ' Call xtest
    End Function
    Public Sub xtest()
        Range("A1").Interior.ColorIndex = 11
    End Sub
    Public Function Fcell(value As Double) As Double
        Fcell = value
        flag = 0
        ' Call ztest
    End Function
    Public Sub ztest()
        Range("A1").Interior.ColorIndex = xlColorIndexNone
    End Sub

    And in the sheet module:

    Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate()
       Select Case flag
          Case 1: Call xtest
          Case 0: Call ztest
       End Select
    End Sub