I'm using the following code to create a label:
DLGCreateLabel("test", 20).Anchor("East")
I expected that setting the anchor to "East" would make the text align to the right, but it doesn't work. Is there any attribute or method available for the label widget that allows changing the text alignment? Any suggestions or workarounds would be appreciated.
I don't believe it is possible to right-justify text within the label field, itself. However, you may want to try rendering the label without any space to the right (i.e. leave out the minimum length parameter, the value 20 in your case) and then place the label to the right side of an enclosing panel or table column by using the Anchor("East") call. You may need to use DLGExpand("X") and/or DLGFill("X") calls to make sure the enclosing panel or table makes full use of available horizontal space when placing the label.