I have these 2 aliases:
ctt = "!f() { $(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) -ne 'develop' && git tag -a testing-$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)-$(date +'%Y%m%d')-$1 -m '$2' && git push --tags; }; f"
cpt = "!f() { [ "$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)" = "develop" ] && git tag -a production-$1-$(date +'%Y%m%d')-$2 -m '$3' && git push --tags; }; f"
So that I can do:
git ctt BranchName rc1 "Trying to add XYZ feature"
to create tag testing-BranchName-20240229-rc1
git cpt FeatureName r1 "XYZ feature release"
to create tag production-FeatureName-20240229-r1
I wanted ctt to only work on branches that are not develop
and cpt to only work on develop
so I added the condition but I get the error:
cpt_test = "!f() { [ "$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)" = "develop" ] && echo production-$1-$(date +'%Y%m%d')-$2 }; f"
fatal: bad config line 21 in file C:/Users/david/.gitconfig
I've tried escaping quotes, adding \
to make it multiline and see if I had any error but nothing I've tried works.
I'm on Windows 11, git version 2.39.2.windows.1
Whole .gitconfig
email = david@energia-viva.com
name = David
[credential ""]
provider = generic
log = false
show = false
lg1 = "log --reverse --abbrev-commit --decorate --format=format:'%C(bold blue)%h%C(reset) - %C(bold cyan)(%ar)%C(reset) %C(blue)- %an%C(reset) - %C(white)%s%C(reset) %C(auto)%d%C(reset)' --all"
lg2 = "log --graph --abbrev-commit --decorate --format=format:'%C(bold blue)%h%C(reset) - %C(bold cyan)%aD%C(reset) %C(bold cyan)(%ar)%C(reset)%C(auto)%d%C(reset)%n'' %C(white)%s%C(reset) %C(dim white)- %an%C(reset)' --all"
lg = !"git lg1"
lg3 = log -10 --reverse --abbrev-commit
files = !"git show --pretty --name-only $1 #"
pop = !"git stash pop"
pa = !"git push --all"
paf = !"git push --all --force"
dbe = !"git branch -d $1 && git push origin --delete $1 && :"
# I've tried:
ctt_test = "!f() { ctt 'tag message' } f"
#ctt_test = !"f() { ctt 'tag message' ;}"
#ctt_test = !"ctt 'tag message'"
tool = icdiff
prompt = false
[difftool "icdiff"]
cmd = C:/Users/david/AppData/Local/Packages/PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.10_qbz5n2kfra8p0/LocalCache/local-packages/python310/site-packages/icdiff.py --line-numbers $LOCAL $REMOTE
enabled = true
autoSetupRemote = true
[credential "http://git.local"]
provider = generic
function Create-TestingTag {
$currentBranch = git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD
if ($currentBranch -ne 'develop') {
$releaseCandidateNumbers = git tag -l "testing-$currentBranch-*" | ForEach-Object { [regex]::Match($_, '(?<=testing-$currentBranch-\d{8}-)rc\d+').Value } | Sort-Object -Descending
if ($releaseCandidateNumbers.Count -gt 0) {
$latestReleaseCandidate = $releaseCandidateNumbers[0]
$releaseNumber = [regex]::Match($latestReleaseCandidate, '\d+').Value
$newReleaseCandidateNumber = [int]$releaseNumber + 1
} else {
$newReleaseCandidateNumber = 1
$tagName = "testing-$currentBranch-{0:yyyyMMdd}-rc$newReleaseCandidateNumber" -f (Get-Date)
$tagMessage = $args[0]
git tag -a $tagName -m '$tagMessage'
git push --tags
} else {
Write-Output "You're not on 'develop' branch, exiting."
function Create-ProductionTag {
$currentBranch = git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD
if ($currentBranch == 'develop') {
$releaseNumbers = git tag -l 'production-*' | ForEach-Object { [regex]::Match($_, '(?<=production-\w+-\d{8}-)r\d+').Value } | Sort-Object -Descending
if ($releaseNumbers.Count -gt 0) {
$latestRelease = $releaseNumbers[0]
$releaseNumber = [regex]::Match($latestRelease, '\d+').Value
$newReleaseNumber = [int]$releaseNumber + 1
} else {
$newReleaseNumber = 1
$tagName = "production-$($args[0])-{0:yyyyMMdd}-r$newReleaseNumber" -f (Get-Date)
$tagMessage = $args[1]
git tag -a $tagName -m '$tagMessage'
git push --tags
} else {
Write-Output "You're not on 'develop' branch, exiting."
New-Alias -Name 'ctt' -Value 'Create-TestingTag' -Scope Global
New-Alias -Name 'cpt' -Value 'Create-ProductionTag' -Scope Global
cpt = "!f() { if [[ \"$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)\" = develop ]];then echo production-$1-$(date +'%Y%m%d')-$2;fi }; f"
I'm not quite sure what the cause is in your version. This modified version can work in git-bash.
Note that it's not a valid alias name if it contains _
. So, rename it. The shell function part needs modification too.
It would be easier to write the function in ~/.bashrc
or other similar files and call it in the alias.
In the configuration file,
cpt = "!f() { if [[ \"$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)\" = develop ]];then echo production-$1-$(date +'%Y%m%d')-$2;fi }; f"