I would like to get historical data (ideally hourly or less) for non-expired option contracts. TWS API should provide that data (source: https://www.tradersinsight.news/ibkr-quant-news/historical-options-futures-data-using-tws-api/). I have not found a way to get that data using the beautiful ib_insync lib. Is there a way to do that? If so, how?
Thx in advance
This works in the same way you fetch historical data for a stock, you just need to define an Option contract as "contract" reqHistoricalData()
For example, first, you define e.g. a monthly NVIDIA call expiring on Friday 15th March 2024:
from ib_insync import IB, util, Option
ib = IB()
contract = Option(
Then you get the historical data, in this case 5 minute bars of the last 5 days.
bars = ib.reqHistoricalData(
endDateTime = "",
durationStr = "5 D",
barSizeSetting = "5 Mins",
whatToShow = "TRADES",
useRTH = True,
formatDate = 1,
keepUpToDate = False
Afterwards you proceed with df = util.df(bars)
to store the data in a dataframe.