I have trouble with building composition function, using an array as an argument. Got this error
TypeError: arr.map is not a function
const testArray = ["CusTom", "Web", "aNd", "MoBile", "PlaTfoRms"];
const compose =
(...fncs) =>
(val) =>
fncs.reduceRight((acc, fnc) => fnc(acc), val);
const modifyArray = (ModifyCondition) => (data) => ModifyCondition(data);
let capitalizeAllFirst = modifyArray(
(arr) =>
(str) => str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1).toLowerCase()
(arr) => arr.join("-")
let allToLower; // use compose + modifyArray here
I tried to use one argument in compose and it worked well
let capitalizeAllFirst = modifyArray(
(arr) =>
(str) => str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1).toLowerCase()
Your code is perfect, except that you used reduceRight
instead of reduce
. This means that you'd joined the array into a string prior to then attempting to treat it as an array to capitalize it.
const testArray = ["CusTom", "Web", "aNd", "MoBile", "PlaTfoRms"];
const compose = (...fncs) =>
val => fncs.reduce((acc, fnc) => fnc(acc), val);
const modifyArray = modifyCondition => data => modifyCondition(data);
let capitalizeAllFirst = modifyArray(compose(
arr => arr.map(
str => str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1).toLowerCase()
arr => arr.join("-")