
Does the cross-platform System.IO.Ports.SerialPort library work on Android with FTDI UART chips? (e.g FT232R)?

I am trying to write a cross-platform GUI to control hardware for use on both Windows and Android. I am using an FTDI serial cable. When the cable is plugged in, the SerialPort.GetPortNames() identifies the cable as

When I try to open the connection to this port, I get an exception with the following message:
Access to the port '/dev/ttyUSB0' is denied.

I have also tried the following strings:
'ttyUSB0', 'USB0', 'dev/ttyUSB0'

I can confirm the “Serial USB Terminal” software from the Play Store works fine on my Android device. I can connect and send strings without problems.

Is this cross platform?
Information about Port.IO.SerialPort ability to support Android.

My Questions:

This is as far as I got:
My feeling is that it Open() falls back on Linux, and expects drivers to be installed as per:

Feel free to share your experiences here. When I saw ‘GetPortNames()’ working on my phone, I got so excited but never got any further. I was so close!

My Setup:

The Exception message is as follows:

Access to the port '/dev/ttyUSB0' is denied.
 at System.IO.Ports.SafeSerialDeviceHandle.Open(string portName)
 at System.IO.Ports.SerialStream..ctor(string portName, int baudRate, Parity parity, int dataBits, StopBits stopBits, int readTimeout, int writeTimeout, Handshake handshake,
            bool dtrEnable, bool rtsEnable, bool _1 , byte _2)
 at System.IO.Ports.SerialPort.Open()
 at .. < then into my project code>

I think the exception message relates to this line in the .NET SerialPort library


  • I reached out to the developer and got the following response:

    Hey, yes the System.IO.Ports implementation uses the /dev/tty functionality common to many Unix systems. Unfortunately Android by default has a SELinux policy preventing access to that device:

    The same would happen if you try to fopen("/dev/ttyUSB0", "r+")​ in regular native C code.

    If you can't root the device or have custom Android then as far as I know you're out of luck and need to rely on custom libraries/drivers.

    It will work if you are targeting a custom Android platform or a rooted phone (after some fiddle), but not for a phone running stock ROM.