I am using @vuepic/vue3datepicker which automatically displays the current month's days when I use it:
<VueDatePicker v-model="date" inline></VueDatePicker>
But I am getting the month and year from an API, so I would like to display to the user the days of the related month and year, not the days of the current month.
Actually this goal is easy to achieve by:
onMounted(() => {
date.value = new Date(props.year, Number(props.month)-1, 1)
The problem is that I also need to use the highlight prop (because I also get a list of other days of month/year couple which I need to highlight to the user), which thing means my date
in v-model="date"
should be an array:
<VueDatePicker v-model="date" :highlight="highlightedDates" />
So I am not sure how to overcome this.
Any suggestions on how to achieve this ?
It's no problem to put the new Date()
value into an array of other new Date()
values. Here is an example of an array containing 1 date:
date.value = [ new Date(props.year, Number(props.month)-1, 1) ]
You can manually push, slice, or do any other native Array functions as needed. For the v-model in the template to work you may also need multi-dates prop as well.
<VueDatePicker v-model="date" inline multi-dates></VueDatePicker>