
FastAPI and Pydantic - ignore but warn when extra elements are provided to a router input Model

This is the code I wrote

from typing import Any
from fastapi import APIRouter
from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, ValidationError

class State(BaseModel):
    mode: str | None = None
    alarm: int = 0

class StateLoose(State):
    model_config = ConfigDict(extra='allow')

class StateExact(State):
    model_config = ConfigDict(extra='forbid')

def validated_state(state: dict) -> State:
        return StateExact(**state)
    except ValidationError as e:
        logger.warning("Sanitized input state that caused a validation error. Error: %s", e)
        return State(**state)

@router.put("/{client_id}", response_model=State)
def update_state(client_id: str, state: StateLoose) -> Any:
    v_state = validated_state(state.dict()).dict()
    return update_resource(client_id=client_id, state=v_state)

# Example State inputs
a = {"mode": "MANUAL", "alarm": 1}
b = {"mode": "MANUAL", "alarm": 1, "dog": "bau"}

normal = State(**a)
loose = StateLoose(**a)
exact = StateExact(**a)

From my understanding/tests with/of pydantic

What I wanted to achieve is:

To achieve this I was forced to create 3 different State classes and play with those. Since I plan to have lots of Models, I don't like the idea of having 3 versions of each and it feels like I am doing something quite wrong if it's so weird to accomplish.

Is there a less redundant way to:


  • You can use a model_validator with mode="before" together with the field names from model - i.e. in your validator you see which fields got submitted and log those that you didn't expect.

    Setting extra='ignore' as the model_config will also make sure that the extra fields gets removed automagically.

    from fastapi import FastAPI
    from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, model_validator
    class WarnUnknownBase(BaseModel):
        model_config = ConfigDict(extra='ignore')
        def validate(cls, values):
            expected_fields = set(cls.model_fields.keys())
            submitted_fields = set(values.keys())
            unknown_fields = submitted_fields - expected_fields
            if unknown_fields:
                print(f"Log these fields: {unknown_fields}")
            return values
    class Foo(WarnUnknownBase):
        foo: int
    app = FastAPI()
    def put_it(foo: Foo):
        return foo

    Example requests:

    λ curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d "{\"foo\": 42}" http://localhost:8008
    λ curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d "{\"foo\": 42, \"bar\": 13}" http://localhost:8008

    As you can see, bar gets ignored when the Foo object is created.

    The second request will output Log these fields: {'bar'} on the server side, while the first will keep quiet.

    INFO: - "PUT / HTTP/1.1" 200 OK
    Log these fields: {'bar'}
    INFO: - "PUT / HTTP/1.1" 200 OK