I'm following the steps from this tutorial to download a file from BIM360 using the Data Management API. I'm able to get up to step 5 without any issues. I can access the BIM360 file manually. In step 6 of the tutorial it the url has two parameters: bucket and object. I'm able to obtain the object from step 5. Where can I obtain the bucket parameter?
Here is the documentation for the get signeds3download api.
At the end of the step 5 response, you should get the storage
"storage": {
"data": {
"type": "objects",
"id": "urn:adsk.objects:os.object:wip.dm.prod/977d69b1-43e7-40fa-8ece-6ec4602892f3.rvt"
"meta": {
"link": {
"href": "https://developer.api.autodesk.com/oss/v2/buckets/wip.dm.prod/objects/977d69b1-43e7-40fa-8ece-6ec4602892f3.rvt"
Either from storage.data.id
or storage.meta.link.href
, you can see that the bucket used by BIM360 is wip.dm.prod
This is the bucket used in the step 6 of the Download a file tutorial.