I have configured email notifications using the Azure Communication Services. However, the emails are always sent from the "DoNotReply" user. Would it be possible to use something more meaningful for the users to understand/fitler the emails?
The portal only shows a single option, even with a custom domain:
I have tried changing "replyTo" (although no reply is obviously intended), but that did not help, outlook/gmail still showed the "DoNoReply" as sender. Can I somehow change the sender so that it looks nicer for the users?
The code I have tried with "replyTo" is below:
const client = new EmailClient(connectionString);
const emailMessage: EmailMessage = {
senderAddress: "DoNotReply@xxxx-2b75-4a91-a222-d4d55c7c8b20.azurecomm.net",
replyTo: [
address: "SomeFancyEmail@somewhere.net",
displayName: "Some Fancy Name"
content: {
It is certainly possible to do so. Please see the detailed instructions here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/communication-services/quickstarts/email/add-multiple-senders.
Currently you can do so by following these steps in Azure portal:
You should also be able to do so by using one of the available SDKs for communication service.