I am currently trying to use the FlChart library for flutter to display stock data. However i am having trouble with the titles on the side of the chart as i dont know why they are there. I have commented out the titlesData property from the LineChartData but there are still titles on every side. My question is how can i remove these titles. (Btw. ignore the weird looking graph)
import 'dart:convert';
//import 'package:intl/intl.dart';
import 'package:fl_chart/fl_chart.dart';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:futura_api/api.dart';
class LineChartSample2 extends StatefulWidget {
final String symbol;
const LineChartSample2({Key? key, required this.symbol}) : super(key: key);
State<LineChartSample2> createState() => _LineChartSample2State();
class _LineChartSample2State extends State<LineChartSample2> {
late Future<StockData?> stockDataFuture;
late LineChartData stockChartData;
bool showAvg = false;
final StocksApi _stocksApi =
StocksApi(ApiClient(basePath: ''));
List<Color> gradientColors = [
Colors.deepPurple[200] as Color,
Colors.deepPurple[800] as Color,
final int _divider = 25;
final int _leftLabelsCount = 6;
final List<FlSpot> _values = [];
double _minX = 0;
double _maxX = 0;
double _minY = 0;
double _maxY = 0;
double _leftTitlesInterval = 0;
void initState() {
// todo add websocket connection
stockDataFuture = fetchData(widget.symbol);
Future<StockData?> fetchData(String symbol) async {
try {
if (kDebugMode) {
return Future<StockData?>.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 0), () async {
Map<String, dynamic> jsonData = jsonDecode(
await DefaultAssetBundle.of(context)
return StockData.fromJson(jsonData);
return await _stocksApi.apiStocksGet(symbol: symbol, interval: "1d");
} catch (e) {
return null; // Return an empty string or handle the error as needed
void parseStockData(Map<String, StockDto>? data) {
double minY = double.maxFinite;
double maxY = double.minPositive;
(key, value) {
if (minY > (value.close ?? 0)) minY = value.close ?? 0;
if (maxY < (value.close ?? 0)) maxY = value.close ?? 0;
_values.add(FlSpot(getXValueFromDateString(key), value.close ?? 0));
_minX = _values.first.x;
_maxX = _values.last.x;
_minY = (minY / _divider).floorToDouble() * _divider;
_maxY = (maxY / _divider).ceilToDouble() * _divider;
_leftTitlesInterval =
((_maxY - _minY) / (_leftLabelsCount - 1)).floorToDouble();
LineChartData _mainData() {
return LineChartData(
// titlesData: FlTitlesData(
// bottomTitles: _bottomTitles(), leftTitles: _leftTitles()),
gridData: _gridData(),
minX: _minX,
maxX: _maxX,
minY: _minY,
maxY: _maxY,
lineBarsData: [
LineChartBarData _lineBarData() {
return LineChartBarData(
spots: _values,
gradient: LinearGradient(
colors: gradientColors,
isCurved: true,
barWidth: 2,
isStrokeCapRound: true,
dotData: const FlDotData(
show: false,
belowBarData: BarAreaData(
show: true,
gradient: LinearGradient(
gradientColors.map((color) => color.withOpacity(0.3)).toList(),
// Other properties...
Widget buildChart(LineChartData data) {
stockChartData = data;
return AspectRatio(
aspectRatio: 1.70,
child: Padding(
const EdgeInsets.only(right: 18, left: 12, top: 24, bottom: 12),
child: _values.isEmpty ? const Placeholder() : LineChart(_mainData()),
double getXValueFromDateString(String dateString) {
DateTime dateTime = DateTime.parse(dateString);
return dateTime.millisecondsSinceEpoch.toDouble();
LineChartData avgData() {
// Implement this method based on your requirement for average data display
return stockChartData; // Return the same data for simplicity in this example
// AxisTitles _bottomTitles() {
// return AxisTitles(
// sideTitles: SideTitles(
// showTitles: true,
// getTitlesWidget: (value, meta) {
// final DateTime date =
// DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(value.toInt());
// return SideTitleWidget(
// axisSide: AxisSide.bottom,
// child: Text(
// DateFormat.MMM().format(date),
// style: const TextStyle(color: Colors.white, fontSize: 12),
// ));
// },
// interval: (_maxX - _minX) / 6,
// ));
// }
// AxisTitles _leftTitles() {
// return AxisTitles(
// sideTitles: SideTitles(
// showTitles: true,
// interval: _leftTitlesInterval,
// getTitlesWidget: (value, meta) {
// return SideTitleWidget(
// axisSide: AxisSide.left,
// space: 4,
// child: Text(
// NumberFormat.compactCurrency(symbol: '€').format(value),
// style: const TextStyle(color: Colors.white, fontSize: 12),
// ),
// );
// }));
// }
FlGridData _gridData() {
return FlGridData(
show: true,
drawVerticalLine: false,
getDrawingHorizontalLine: (value) {
return const FlLine(color: Colors.white, strokeWidth: 1);
checkToShowHorizontalLine: (value) {
return (value - _minY) % _leftTitlesInterval == 0;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return FutureBuilder<StockData?>(
future: stockDataFuture,
builder: (context, snapshot) {
if (snapshot.connectionState == ConnectionState.waiting) {
return const Center(child: CircularProgressIndicator());
} else if (snapshot.hasError) {
return Center(child: Text('Error: ${snapshot.error}'));
} else if (snapshot.hasData) {
return buildChart(_mainData());
} else {
return const Center(child: Text('No data available'));
I have already tried commenting out the TitlesData property but that has not worked.
The following snippet should work:
titlesData: FlTitlesData(
show: false,