jdk1.8 resin application use RESTful framework is as follows, Can only be executed through http://x.x.x.x/ws/example/subpath1 There is no other way to call Subpath1Resource So will the HashMap or String in Subpath1Resource class be unsafe?
public class ExampleResource {
public Subpath1Resource getSubpath1Resource() {
return new Subpath1Resource();
public class Subpath1Resource {
private HashMap<String, String> dataHead;
private String p_no;
private String p_name;
public Response createOrder(String param) {
dataHead = new HashMap<>();
String[] aParam = param.split("/");
p_no= aParam[0];
return Response.ok(currentOrder).build();
private void processOrder() {
String _p_no = dataHead.get("p_no");
String _p_name = dataHead.get("p_name");
// ...
when a request come to server to access RESTful resource then a thread will be created. Therefore multiple request ill create multiple threads. Now HashMap is not thread-safe. Therefore ConcurrentHashMap is right implementation for using RESTful resource.