Changing color of axis labelling on a Blazorise Linechart

i am working on a Blazorise project with LineChart's on the page. I would now change the color of the axis labelling of the LineChart component and i don't know it. Has anyone an idea? I would appreciate some help.

regards elu


  • For my project's target framework is .net7, you can use LineChartOptions to set the color for both the X and Y-axis labels:

    lineChartOptions = new LineChartOptions
        Scales = new ChartScales
            X = new ChartAxis
                Ticks = new ChartAxisTicks
                    Color = "red" // Set X-axis label color
            Y = new ChartAxis
                Ticks = new ChartAxisTicks
                    Color = "blue" // Set Y-axis label color

    A whole working demo

    @page "/"
    @using Blazorise.Charts
    <LineChart @ref="lineChart" TItem="double" Options="@lineChartOptions" Data="@lineChartData" />
        private LineChart<double>? lineChart;
        private LineChartOptions lineChartOptions = new();
        private LineChartDataset<double> lineChartDataset = new();
        private ChartData<double> lineChartData = new();
        protected override Task OnInitializedAsync()
            lineChartOptions = new LineChartOptions
                    Scales = new ChartScales
                        X = new ChartAxis
                            Ticks = new ChartAxisTicks
                                Color = "red" // Set X-axis label color
                        Y = new ChartAxis
                            Ticks = new ChartAxisTicks
                                Color = "blue" // Set Y-axis label color
            lineChartDataset = new LineChartDataset<double>
                    Data = new List<double> { 5, 12, 16, 21, 25, 30 }, // Sample data
                    Label = "Sample Data",
                    // Customize your dataset here
            lineChartData = new ChartData<double>
                    Labels = new List<object> { "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June" }, // Sample labels
                    Datasets = new List<ChartDataset<double>> { lineChartDataset }
            return Task.CompletedTask;

    Result: enter image description here

    Besides, if you use other version, you can try ChartOptions. Just replace my shared code of LineChartOptions.