
read file csv and do the aggregation with multiple workers , dask.distributed , dask.dataframe

i have server ip: launche the schudeler dask scheduler --host this is master in this server i have file "/var/shared/job_skills.csv" and the workers is, launched with this cmd dask worker --local-directory /var/test --dashboard-address 8787 --host --worker-port 39040 --nanny-port 39042 i wanna start script in master and distribute the task to worker , like chunck the data and do aggregation and every worker return result and print result .

i wannna do like this this scripte in master ""

import dask
import dask.dataframe as dd
from dask.distributed import Client

dask.config.set({"dataframe.convert-string": False})

client = Client("")
df = dd.read_csv("/var/shared/foo.csv")

df['job_skills'] = df['job_skills'].fillna('')
df = df["job_skills"].str.split(',').explode().str.strip()

grouped = df.value_counts().compute()

in the workers give me like this :

2024-02-29 14:30:04,180 - distributed.worker - WARNING - Compute Failed
Key:       ('str-strip-956897fad2adeffa85aa604734f0febb', 0)
Function:  execute_task
args:      ((subgraph_callable-50304a7f18bfe19fd3ff56b4a6d6db4f, 'str', 'strip', (), {}, 'explode-e2622e44a85e1396024ff799e4f97b6e', 'split', {'pat': ',', 'n': -1, 'expand': False}, 'getitem-f2b8974c7433cce59ce3453d7f35940e', 'job_skills', '', 'getitem-b9a23a03a236420b7c31ada8ec6055df', [(<function read_block_from_file at 0x7fd18829f920>, <OpenFile '/var/shared/foo.csv'>, 0, 1398, b'\n'), None, True, True]))
kwargs:    {}
Exception: "FileNotFoundError(2, 'No such file or directory')"

how i can resolve this ?


  • One way to solve this without copying the file to workers.

    df = dd.read_csv("ssh://server:port//var/shared/foo.csv")

    Now each workers will read directly from source, and only those bytes it will be working on.

    Possible alternatives for others: