
Custom Log classes in Laravel

I am trying to create custom Log classes in my application which use the default channel but write in a different file, but i can't find any relevant documentation for my needs.

Use case :

In UserService i want to call UserLogger::info('info'); which will write in user_log.php

In CarService i want to call CarLogger::info('info'); which will write in car_log.php

Currently i have an abstract class which has function :

protected static function setUpLogger(): \Psr\Log\LoggerInterface
    return Log::build([
        'driver' => 'single',
        'path' => storage_path(static::$path),

I am using it each time i'm calling custom loggers, but it's probably a very bad approach.

Does anyone have an idea on how i can achieve custom log classes in described way?


  • You need to add own channels, by editing config/logging.php:

    'user' => [
        'driver' => 'single',
        'path'   => storage_path('logs/user_log.php'),
        'level'  => 'debug',

    Then you can create logger using your new channel:

    class UserLogger
        public static function info($message, $context = []): void
            Log::channel('user')->info($message, $context);

    and now you can use CarLogger::info('info');.

    The same steps fro CarLogger or any other separate loggers and you should be good to go.