
This Postgresql ROLLUP grouping is not working for a Window expression

The following SQL works well; it gives me the result I want for the counts and percentage: (please use EXTRACT (YEAR|MONTH|DAY ...) where required):

SELECT YEAR(evt_date) AS yr, MONTH(evt_date) AS mth, DAY(evt_date) AS dy, COUNT(*) AS cnt,
       ROUND(COUNT(*)*100 / (SUM(COUNT(*)) OVER (PARTITION BY YEAR(evt_date), MONTH(evt_date))), 2) AS prct
   FROM my_data
   WHERE evt_date >= '2023-11-01'
   GROUP BY yr, mth, dy
   ORDER BY 1,2,3

But if I introduce the ROLLUP in, I get the cnt totals fine but not the totals for percentages where the window expression is used. This must be a bug but I have no way to report it to be fixed:

SELECT YEAR(evt_date) AS yr, MONTH(evt_date) AS mth, DAY(evt_date) AS dy, COUNT(*) AS cnt,
       ROUND(COUNT(*)*100 / (SUM(COUNT(*)) OVER (PARTITION BY YEAR(evt_date), MONTH(evt_date))), 2) AS prct
   FROM my_data
   WHERE evt_date >= '2023-11-01'
   GROUP BY yr, ROLLUP (mth, dy)    -- ROLLUP does not give the the result I expect to see for the percentage column
   ORDER BY 1,2,3

Does anybody knows why? I am using Postgresql v12.

I have this alternative solution with tricks, but it is weird the one above doesn't work:

WITH my_data(evt_date, foo) AS
      (SELECT '2023-11-01'::DATE, 'X' UNION
       SELECT '2023-11-01', 'Y' UNION
       SELECT '2023-11-02', 'X' UNION
       SELECT '2023-11-02', 'Y' UNION
       SELECT '2024-01-01', 'X' UNION
       SELECT '2024-01-01', 'Y' UNION
       SELECT '2024-01-01', 'Z' UNION
       SELECT '2024-01-02', 'X' UNION
       SELECT '2024-01-02', 'Y' UNION
       SELECT '2024-01-03', 'X' UNION
       SELECT '2024-01-03', 'Y' UNION
       SELECT '2024-01-03', 'Z' UNION
       SELECT '2024-01-03', 'W' 
    totals AS
      (SELECT YEAR(evt_date) AS yr, MONTH(evt_date) AS mth, DAY(evt_date) AS dy, COUNT(*) AS cnt,
               ROUND(COUNT(*)*100 / (SUM(COUNT(*)) OVER (PARTITION BY YEAR(evt_date), MONTH(evt_date))), 2) AS prct
           FROM my_data
           WHERE evt_date >= '2023-11-01'
           GROUP BY yr, mth, dy 
           ORDER BY 1,2,3 
   SELECT yr, mth, dy, SUM(cnt) AS cnt, SUM(prct) AS prct --<-- Fake SUM() to be able to use ROLLUP
     FROM totals
     GROUP BY yr, ROLLUP (mth, dy)  --- Only way? for ROLLUP to handle the percentage column well
      ORDER BY 1,2,3


  • See example.
    First, prct calculation can be before ROLLUP.

    And, You calculate sum()over(partition by yr,mth), therefore ROLLUP can be (dy).

    select yr,mth,dy,sum(prct) pct
    from (
    SELECT extract(year from evt_date) AS yr
       , extract(MONTH from evt_date) AS mth
       , extract(DAY from evt_date) AS dy
       , COUNT(*) AS cnt
       , ROUND(COUNT(*)*100 / 
               OVER (PARTITION BY extract(year from evt_date), extract(MONTH from evt_date)))
          , 2) AS prct
    FROM my_data
    WHERE evt_date >= '2023-11-01'
    GROUP BY evt_date
    group by yr,mth,rollup(dy)
    ORDER BY 1,2,3


    yr mth dy pct
    2023 11 1 50.00
    2023 11 2 50.00
    2023 11 null 100.00
    2024 1 1 33.33
    2024 1 2 22.22
    2024 1 3 44.44
    2024 1 null 99.99

    With partition by yr and rollup(mth,dy)

    select yr,mth,dy,sum(prct) pct
    from (
    SELECT extract(year from evt_date) AS yr
       , extract(MONTH from evt_date) AS mth
       , extract(DAY from evt_date) AS dy
       , COUNT(*) AS cnt
       , ROUND(COUNT(*)*100 / 
               OVER (PARTITION BY extract(year from evt_date)))
          , 2) AS prct
    FROM my_data
    WHERE evt_date >= '2023-11-01'
    GROUP BY evt_date
    group by yr,rollup(mth,dy)
    ORDER BY 1,2,3


    yr mth dy pct
    2023 11 1 50.00
    2023 11 2 50.00
    2023 11 null 100.00
    2023 null null 100.00
    2024 1 1 33.33
    2024 1 2 22.22
    2024 1 3 44.44
    2024 1 null 99.99
    2024 null null 99.99

    I do not know what the point is here.