
Set material only to one instance of the fragmentMesh class from Open Bim Components library / Three js

I tried to set unique materials to a specific fragmentMesh. However, it turns out that the fragmentMesh can have multiple instances and thus the material is being applied to all its instances.

  1. How can I tell which instance my raycasting intersect.object is pointing to ?

const raycaster = viewer.raycaster;

const intersect: Intersection | null =
const obj3d = intersect.object;
  1. and then use that data to map it to its respective mesh geometry/bufferGeometry so I can set the paint material enter image description here



  • Apparently, the OBC.MaterialManager class from the library doesn't provide a way to set the material color for an individual instance.

    Indeed, the fragmentMesh extends from the instancedMesh class and the quick solution is to use the pure threejs library: sample here: