I am facing issue in publishing ASP.NET Core 8 MVC app, VS 2022.
I get thise error:
System.AggregateException: Project system data flow 'Workspace update handler 12771809' closed because of an exception: Attempted to push a project evaluation that regressed in version..
(Inner Exception #0) Microsoft.Assumes+InternalErrorException: Attempted to push a project evaluation that regressed in version.
at Microsoft.Assumes.Fail(String message)
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.ProjectSystem.LanguageServices.Handlers.AbstractEvaluationCommandLineHandler.EnqueueProjectEvaluation(IComparable version, IProjectChangeDiff evaluationDifference)
First time I am publishing to Azure, it is code first approach, while running the publish it is showing publish succeeded but then suddenly automatically canceling.
@Posting my comments as answer.
System.AggregateException: Project system data flow 'Workspace update handler 12771809' closed because of an exception: Attempted to push a project evaluation that regressed in version.
This error is occurring due to the version issue with visual studio.
Fix for this issue has been merged into 17.8.3 and 17.9 version of Visual Studio. Refer the article.
To resolve this error, you have to install (or) upgrade visual studio version to 17.8.3 or 17.9.0 version in the Visual Studio Installer.