I'm trying to build a custom docker container with specific volume mount locations using the qiime2-amplicon-2024.2 distribution.
Here's my docker file:
FROM mambaorg/micromamba:1.5.6
SHELL ["/usr/local/bin/_dockerfile_shell.sh"]
# Data
USER root
RUN mkdir -p /volumes/
RUN mkdir -p /volumes/input
RUN mkdir -p /volumes/output
RUN mkdir -p /volumes/database
# Retrieve repository
RUN micromamba install -y -n base -c conda-forge wget
RUN wget https://data.qiime2.org/distro/amplicon/qiime2-amplicon-2024.2-py38-linux-conda.yml
# Install dependencies
RUN micromamba install -y -n base -f /tmp/qiime2-amplicon-2024.2-py38-linux-conda.yml && \
micromamba clean -a -y -f
RUN rm -rf /tmp/qiime2-amplicon-2024.2-py38-linux-conda.yml
ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/local/bin/_entrypoint.sh"]
However, I'm getting errors like this:
(base) Joshs-MBP:Containers jolespin$ docker build -t jolespin/qiime2-amplicon:2024.2 -f Dockerfile_qiime2-amplicon-2024.2 .
[+] Building 7.3s (13/14) docker:desktop-linux
=> [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile_qiime2-amplicon-2024.2 0.0s
=> => transferring dockerfile: 1.34kB 0.0s
=> [internal] load metadata for docker.io/mambaorg/micromamba:1.5.6 0.8s
=> [auth] mambaorg/micromamba:pull token for registry-1.docker.io 0.0s
=> [internal] load .dockerignore 0.0s
=> => transferring context: 2B 0.0s
=> [ 1/10] FROM docker.io/mambaorg/micromamba:1.5.6@sha256:4d9619e648abe569fd72fa30011c22bab13dd8494a7745295f512303de048989 0.0s
=> CACHED [ 2/10] WORKDIR /tmp/ 0.0s
=> CACHED [ 3/10] RUN mkdir -p /volumes/ 0.0s
=> CACHED [ 4/10] RUN mkdir -p /volumes/input 0.0s
=> CACHED [ 5/10] RUN mkdir -p /volumes/output 0.0s
=> CACHED [ 6/10] RUN mkdir -p /volumes/database 0.0s
=> CACHED [ 7/10] RUN micromamba install -y -n base -c conda-forge wget 0.0s
=> CACHED [ 8/10] RUN wget https://data.qiime2.org/distro/amplicon/qiime2-amplicon-2024.2-py38-linux-conda.yml 0.0s
=> ERROR [ 9/10] RUN micromamba install -y -n base -c qiime2 -c conda-forge -c bioconda -f /tmp/qiime2-amplicon-2024.2-py38-linux-conda.yml && 6.5s
> [ 9/10] RUN micromamba install -y -n base -c qiime2 -c conda-forge -c bioconda -f /tmp/qiime2-amplicon-2024.2-py38-linux-conda.yml && micromamba clean -a -y -f:
0.184 conda-forge/linux-aarch64 Using cache
0.184 conda-forge/noarch Using cache
6.484 error libmamba Could not solve for environment specs
6.484 The following packages are incompatible
6.484 ├─ alsa-lib 1.2.8** is requested and can be installed;
6.484 ├─ bioconductor-ancombc 2.0.1** is not installable because it requires
6.484 │ └─ bioconductor-s4vectors >=0.36.0,<0.37.0 , which does not exist (perhaps a missing channel);
6.484 ├─ bioconductor-beachmat 2.14.0** does not exist (perhaps a typo or a missing channel);
6.484 ├─ bioconductor-biobase 2.58.0** does not exist (perhaps a typo or a missing channel);
I've tried manually adding the channel to the condarc but it still didn't work:
#RUN echo "channel_priority: flexible" >> ~/.condarc
#RUN echo "channels:" >> ~/.condarc
#RUN echo " - qiime2" >> ~/.condarc
#RUN echo " - conda-forge" >> ~/.condarc
#RUN echo " - bioconda" >> ~/.condarc
Any suggestions?
I'm seeing this Dockerfile here but miniconda is waaaay bigger than micromamba: https://github.com/qiime2/vm-playbooks/blob/master/docker/Dockerfile
This did the trick for me:
# v2024.3.4
# =============================
FROM --platform=linux/amd64 mambaorg/micromamba:1.5.6
SHELL ["/usr/local/bin/_dockerfile_shell.sh"]
# Data
USER root
RUN mkdir -p /volumes/
RUN mkdir -p /volumes/input
RUN mkdir -p /volumes/output
RUN mkdir -p /volumes/database
ENV XDG_CONFIG_HOME /home/qiime2
# Retrieve repository
RUN micromamba install -y -n base -c conda-forge wget ca-certificates
RUN wget --no-check-certificate https://data.qiime2.org/distro/amplicon/qiime2-amplicon-2024.2-py38-linux-conda.yml
# Install dependencies
RUN micromamba install -y -n base \
-c https://packages.qiime2.org/qiime2/2024.2/amplicon/released \
-c bioconda \
-c conda-forge \
-c defaults \
-f /tmp/qiime2-amplicon-2024.2-py38-linux-conda.yml && \
micromamba clean -a -y -f
RUN rm -rf /tmp/qiime2-amplicon-2024.2-py38-linux-conda.yml
# RUN qiime dev refresh-cache
ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/local/bin/_entrypoint.sh"]
However, I had to remove qiime dev refresh-cache
because it was taking over a day to run just that step.
The micromamba installation is a little smaller but not as much as I thought it would be at 5.13GB compared to 5.92GB.