
TON transfer bug when using 32 (DESTROY_ACCOUNT_IF_ZERO) flag?

I've been trying to reuse a wallet deleted by DESTROY_ACCOUNT_IF_ZERO (32) flag. The way I do the transfer:

Imagine we have 2 wallets: A and B.

  1. We transfer N1 TON from A to B. E.g. by using a web-based wallet, script, doesn't matter.
  2. B is uninitialized - it is not on the blockchain yet. With that in mind, we'd like to send all the money from B back to A. For this we're going to use the attached script.
  3. Now we go ahead and transfer N2 TON from A to B again. Doesn't matter how much.

Expected behavior: we get transactions: A->B (N1), B->A (all), A->B (N2); wallet B has N2 TONs in the end.

Actual behavior: we get transactions A->B (N1), B->A (all), A->B (N2), B->A (all); wallet B has 0 TONs in the end.

The script for B->A (all) transfer, which causes this behavior:

import TonWeb from 'tonweb';
import tonwebMnemonic from 'tonweb-mnemonic';

const apiKey = "" || undefined;
const mnemonic = "...";
const walletVersion = "v4R2";
const toAddress = "...";

const SendMode = {
    NONE: 0

const sleep = ms => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));

(async () => {
    const provider = new TonWeb.HttpProvider('', {apiKey});

    const WalletClass = TonWeb.Wallets.all[walletVersion];
    const mnemonicArray = mnemonic.split(" ");
    let { publicKey, secretKey } = await tonwebMnemonic.mnemonicToKeyPair(mnemonicArray);
    publicKey = Buffer.from(publicKey);
    secretKey = Buffer.from(secretKey);

    console.log(`PUBLIC KEY: ${publicKey.toString('hex')}`);

    const wallet = new WalletClass(provider, { publicKey });

    const seqno = await wallet.methods.seqno().call() || 0;
    console.log(`SEQNO: ${seqno}`);
    await sleep(2000);
    const transferParams = {
        amount: 0,
        payload: "test bug"

    console.log(JSON.stringify({...transferParams, secretKey: transferParams.secretKey.toString('hex')}, null, 2));

    const response = await wallet.methods.transfer(transferParams).send();    

    console.log(`transfer sent to blockchain: ${JSON.stringify(response, null, 2)}`);

The strange thing is: if you send A->B (N) again, it will create a new transfer B->A (all) again and again automatically. Sometimes it stops at 2 repeats, sometimes at 4.

I use the unbounceable address: UQAPqRlewultl8xHCKGsrenb4PZaQ0QDfPYoK1fwVUODdZRd.

I also tried sending TON from wallet C (C->B). And the money DID stay on B. BUT once I made a transfer A->B again, all the money including the TONs sent from C went to A automatically!

An example of this bug's manifestation (is it a bug??) is here:

This is B wallet. Only the first message with "test bug" text was sent by the script. The rest of them were sent automatically on any incoming transfer from A.

In this interaction:

I want to understand, why this happens. Is this intended by TON blockchain developers? Is this not a bug? How to go around this and reuse deleted wallets?


  • It's not a bug.

    Incoming messages to the blockchain are kept for a while in node's mempool, until their TTL runs out.

    Initial state of our wallet's smart contract is seqno=0.

    Flag DESTROY_ACCOUNT_IF_ZERO (32) destroys account, so wallet's smart contract no longer exists in the blockchain. We make this transfer with seqno=0.

    After the outgoing transfer is sent from the wallet, wallet's smart contract gets published to the blockchain again. Which in turn means its seqno becomes 0 again. So the previous messages, still in the mempool, get executed again.

    So, it is, in fact, a really peculiar behavior of TON blockchain. It is very irregular, indeed, but in no way is it a bug.