I'm using GHDL v3.0.0 as a VHDL simulator, but I'm getting a warning I don't understand
In short, with this entity:
entity GSR is
port ( gsr: in std_ulogic);
end GSR;
I get this warning:
mock.vhd:5:16:warning: declaration of "gsr" hides entity "gsr" [-Whide]
port ( gsr: in std_ulogic);
Full details... In my simulation I need to mock an entity (so entity name and port names must match the third party library entity I'm mocking).
This is in my mock.vhd file:
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity GSR is
port ( gsr: in std_ulogic);
end GSR;
architecture sim of GSR is
end sim;
To show the problem I've created a very cut-down example of a testbench.vhd:
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
entity testbench is
end testbench;
architecture sim of testbench is
signal resetn : std_logic := '0';
gsr_inst: entity work.GSR port map (gsr => resetn);
end process;
end sim;
The warning comes when I analyse:
steven@Stevens-Laptop gsr % ghdl -a mock.vhd testbench.vhd
mock.vhd:5:16:warning: declaration of "gsr" hides entity "gsr" [-Whide]
port ( gsr: in std_ulogic);
I don't see a circumstance where the port gsr can hide the entity GSR, and hence why is this a warning? An example or two of when this could cause a problem would help my understanding.
I think I've described everything that's relevant the problem and what I've done above. I've search for the warning text on-line but found nothing that seems relevant, or maybe I didn't understand it.
VHDL does not differentiate identifiers by their case:
15.4.2 Basic identifiers
[...] Basic identifiers differing only in the use of corresponding uppercase and lowercase letters are considered the same.
So your port gsr
hides the entity GSR