I'm using pdfkit package for node js application to generate PDFs, but I faced a problem when I attempted to generate Arabic text. It always reverses the numbers in Arabic texts.
if I want to write: ساڵی 1992 (The year 1992), it always changes to (ساڵی ٢٩٩١), This issue persists even when I use Unicode custom fonts.
This is an example in image:
Here are my codes:
function generatePDFForRuleAndRegulation(data) {
const fileNamePDF = `${data.name}.pdf`;
const doc = new PDFDocument();
// Pipe the PDF document to a writable stream (file in this case)
const stream = fs.createWriteStream(fileNamePDF);
.font(`${path.join(__dirname, "../../assets/fonts/NRT-Reg.ttf")}`)
.text(`${data.name}`, {
align: "center",
doc.moveDown(); // Move cursor down
.font(`${path.join(__dirname, "../../assets/fonts/Rabar_021.ttf")}`)
.text(data.text, { align: "right", features: ["rtla"] });
// Finalize the PDF document
// Inform when the file has been created
stream.on("finish", () => {
console.log(`PDF created: ${fileNamePDF}`);
Is there any solution or workaround you can suggest? Alternatively, do you know of another package to generate PDFs that also supports Arabic fonts?
Finally, I used custom RTL instead of pdfkit plugin.
// Function to check if text contains Hebrew characters
const isHebrew = (text) => {
// Regular expression to check for any Hebrew characters in the input text
return text.search(/[\u0590-\u05FF]/) >= 0;
// Function to check if text contains Arabic characters
const isArabic = (text) => {
// Regular expression to check for any Arabic characters in the input text
return text.search(/[\u0600-\u06FF]/) >= 0;
// Function to reverse the order of words if the text is in Hebrew or Arabic
const rightToLeftText = (text) => {
// If the text contains either Hebrew or Arabic characters
if (isHebrew(text) || isArabic(text)) {
// Split the text into words, reverse the order, and join them back into a string
return text.split(" ").reverse().join(" ");
} else {
// If the text does not contain Hebrew or Arabic, return the text as is
return text;
// Example usage:
// Assume we have a variable "data.text" containing the text we want to process
// Apply the rightToLeftText function to the "data.text" and store the result in the "text" variable
const text = rightToLeftText(data.text);
// Use a PDF generation library (assumed to be "doc") to set font, size, and text alignment
// Set the font using the path to the font file
.font(`${path.join(__dirname, "../../assets/fonts/Rabar_021.ttf")}`)
// Set the font size for the text in the PDF
// Add the text to the PDF document with right alignment
.text(text, { align: "right" });