On my Flutter app i need to parse a JSON which has a list of 100k or more elements. For this reason, no not stack the UI thread, I am using Isolate to move the load of work in a separate thread. The problem is that the performance decreased a lot: without Isolate in 20/30 seconds the function was over, with Isolate it parsed just the 2% of the elements.
Since I am new to Isolate, am I doing something wrong? Or can I improve my code somehow?
Future<ServiceResponse> _createServiceResponse(
Map<String, dynamic> map,
) async {
Map<String, dynamic> responseMap = {};
List<Ean> eans = List.empty(growable: true);
List<Article> articles = List.empty(growable: true);
responseMap["assortment"] =
if (map.containsKey("article")) {
int counter = 0;
for (var element in (map["article"] as List<dynamic>)) {
String progress =
"${(counter++ / map["article"].length * 100).toInt()}%";
Map<String, dynamic> item = element as Map<String, dynamic>;
var (article, eanList) =
await Isolate.run(() => _createArticlesAndEanList(item));
responseMap["articles"] = articles;
responseMap["eans"] = eans;
return ServiceResponse(ok: true, payload: responseMap);
static Future<(Article, List<Ean>)> _createArticlesAndEanList(
Map<String, dynamic> articleJson) async {
List<Ean> eans = List.empty(growable: true);
var article = ArticleJson.fromJson(
.convertToObox(assignReferences: false)
Map<String, int?> propertyNotAssigned = {};
if (articleJson.containsKey("ean")) {
eans.addAll((articleJson["ean"] as List<dynamic>).map((e) =>
EanJson.fromJson((e as Map<String, dynamic>).convertIdToInt())
assignReferences: false,
propertyNameToId: propertyNotAssigned)
return (article, eans);
to a Map<String, dynamic>
and not the interpretation of the Map<String, dynamic>
. Have you already taken this into account?