
How to diagnose email sending issue Sendgrid: Activity says processed but not received

I had a proyect inactive for about a year. The email sending functionality was working fine. I reopened it and tested but now the email sending does not work. When I login I can see that the email has been "Received by SendGrid" and "Processed" successfuly but the next step is frozen at "Received by Pending"

My reputation is fine, so I have not been baned. The email is fine, as I tried manually sending an email from and to the same address and I received successfuly.

Is there somwhere where I can see more information about what can be happening? The first test is pending since yesterday. I don't think and email can take so long to process. I also made a test with a non-existing email and it threw the error immediately (row 2 on the image) so the recipient email is not the problem.

Any help is much appreciated 🤞.

enter image description here


  • According to SendGrid support, this means that the account was blocked for inactivity, so it wont be able to send emails. Its necessary to create a new account. You can create a new account using the same email

    enter image description here

    According to them, this deactivation cannot be undone, so the only solution is to create a new account. Apparently this is done for security purposes. I quote:

    Unfortunately, we won't be able to reactivate your old account. We recommend logging in to your account at least once a month to prevent account deactivation for inactivity in the future. Please note that suspension is also needed for security purposes.

    So unfortunately it seems that your only solution is to create a new account and set everything up again