
Repo refusing to sync all contents

I'm pretty confused what is going on here. I am able to completely sync all (and partially build) of Android, with a VM of these specs:

10GB RAM 400GB SSD storage 9 CPU cores

However, when I go to my second machine with the correct RAM needed to build AOSP, it doesn't download all the code! Repo closes the terminal during the "updating files" portion. I am missing core content such as system/core.

Here are the specs of the above machine:

42GB RAM 400GB SSD 5 cores

What is going on here?


  • If by any chance, the development system on which you are facing a problem is running Ubuntu 22.04, it comes with "systemd-oomd" enabled for improving low-memory which in our case it closes the terminal when doing repo sync / build because of high memory usage and disabling it will fix the issue.

    $ systemctl disable --now systemd-oomd

    After running this, I was not able to reproduce this issue on my build machine.



    Additionally it might be worthwhile to look at this article: