Is there a way to add a rich text editor as a Macro Parameter?
I have tried to add the following package.manifest in the APP_Plugin folder
"propertyEditors": [
"alias": "RichTextMacro",
"name": "RichTextMacroEditor",
"isParameterEditor": true,
"icon": "icon-book-alt-2",
"editor": {
"view": "/umbraco/Views/propertyeditors/rte/rte.html",
"valueType": "TEXT"
This half works in that it creates the option to select it in the select editor window of the parameter
But when you add it to the page, it just appears as a property with no editor:
Macros are being removed in Umbraco v14, hence it is a good idea to look for a different solution other than using Macros.