
Interaction risk ratio from logistic regression in marginaleffects package in R

I'm have a logistic regression model predicting interest (0=no interest, 1=interest) with randomised experimental condition (0=control, 1=experimental), sex, sex:condition interaction, and several other covariates included as predictors.

Using marginaleffects package in R, I need to work out two things:

  1. Sex-specific risk ratio (RR) for the effect of the experimental condition on interest (marginalising over other covariates).
  2. The interaction term (i.e., ratio of risk ratios: RRmen / RRwomen) for how many times greater the RR was for men than women.

Here is the logistic regression model:

model <- glm(data=dt, formula=interest ~ condition*sex + other_covariates,

I have successfully completed objective (1) — calculating the sex-specific marginal risk ratios (RRmen & RRwomen) — using the following:

marginaleffects::avg_comparisons(model, comparison="ratio",

However, I can't seem to figure out how to calculate (2) — the ratio of risk ratios (RRmen / RRwomen) — alongside its associated confidence intervals.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. If this is more straightforward to do using another package like emmeans I'm also happy to use that. Thanks!


  • You can use the hypothesis argument to conduct (non)linear tests on any quantity generated by the marginaleffects package. See the very detailed tutorial here:

    You do not provide a minimal working example, so I can't provide a fully working solution, but your code could end up looking like this:

       hypothesis = "b1 / b2 = 1")

    Note that I have only added the last argument, telling marginaleffects that we want to check if the ratio of the first estimate to the second is different from 1. When I say "first" estimate, I mean the first row in the output of the same command if you just remove the hypothesis argument.