I have the code below that shows a list for the user with 5 options. After the user selects an option for the first time, it show a list with 4 options.
But if the user selecta a new option for the second or third time, the values don't change.
fileprivate func configMenu() {
let optionClosure = { [weak self]
( action : UIAction ) in
print("v000: \(action.title)")
if action.title != "Selecione a chave" {
self?.accountTypePopUpButton.menu = UIMenu(children: [
UIAction(title: "CPF/CNPJ", handler: { _ in } ),
UIAction(title: "Celular", handler: { _ in } ),
UIAction(title: "E-mail", handler: { _ in } ),
UIAction(title: "Chave aleatória", handler: { _ in } ),
self?.accountTypeFilled = true
self?.accountType = action.title
accountTypePopUpButton.menu = UIMenu(children: [
UIAction(title: "Selecione a chave", handler: optionClosure),
UIAction(title: "CPF/CNPJ", handler: optionClosure),
UIAction(title: "Celular", handler: optionClosure),
UIAction(title: "E-mail", handler: optionClosure),
UIAction(title: "Chave aleatória", handler: optionClosure),
accountTypePopUpButton.showsMenuAsPrimaryAction = true
accountTypePopUpButton.changesSelectionAsPrimaryAction = true
How can I fix this?
This is what fix the code for me.
let optionClosure = { [weak self] ( action : UIAction ) in
print("v000: \(action.title)")
if action.title != "Selecione a chave pix" {
self?.accountTypePopUpButton.setTitleColor(.savvyBlack, for: .normal)
self?.accountTypePopUpButton.menu = UIMenu(children: [
UIAction(title: "CPF/CNPJ", handler: { [weak self] ( myAction : UIAction ) in self?.setActionValues(myAction.title) } ),
UIAction(title: "Celular", handler: { [weak self] ( myAction : UIAction ) in self?.setActionValues(myAction.title) } ),
UIAction(title: "E-mail", handler: { [weak self] ( myAction : UIAction ) in self?.setActionValues(myAction.title) } ),
UIAction(title: "Chave aleatória", handler: { [weak self] ( myAction : UIAction ) in self?.setActionValues(myAction.title) } ),
fileprivate func setActionValues(_ actionTitle: String) {
dprint("actionTitle v1: \(actionTitle)")
accountTypeFilled = true
accountType = actionTitle
To fix my code what I need is to modify the empty handler code
handler: { _ in }
handler: { [weak self] ( myAction : UIAction ) in self?.setActionValues(myAction.title) }
When I modify this handler, the code starts working for me.
To fix my code I just need to put a code inside the handler. The 2nd handler is where I need to run my code after it change the Menu options.