experimentalDecorators: "true"
how can I do something like:
class LambdaFunctionExample {
lambdaResponse = [1, 2 , 3]
async handler(event) {
const data = this.lambdaResponse;
const result = await fetch(...)
return {
statusCode: 200,
and catch errors/events for POC purposes.
for POC purposes, as mentioned
I'm using:
class LambdaFunctionExample {
lambdaResponse = [1, 2, 3]
async handler(event) {
const data = this.lambdaResponse;
const result = await fetch(...)
return {
statusCode: 200,
export const handler = (event) => new LambdaFunctionExample().handler(event)
decorator function:
export function tryCatchWrapper<T>(target: Function, { kind, name, ...context }) {
if (kind === 'method')
return async function (this: unknown, ...args: any) {
try {
console.log('name', name)
return await target.call(this, ...args)
} catch (error) {
console.log('error catched')
return {}
and running
npm start # node index.js (as usual)
"compilerOptions": {
// Module Setup
"target": "ES2022", // as of today, I tried with ESNext and it did't work, so I need to use strictly ES2022
//"module": "NodeNext", (also optional, but important if you are using ESM)
//"moduleResolution": "NodeNext", (also optional, but important if you are using ESM)