
C semaphore and shared memory

I'm trying to develop the classic producer-consumer circular buffer example with one producer and one consumer respectively.

However I'm having some problems that I can't figure out where they come from. In particular the producer seems to work but the consumer always picks up a 0. I was thinking about some problem with shared memory and/or buffering but they seem to be implemented correctly

Code explanation:

-Initially I create the shared memory area of ​​the size of the STRUCT_BUFFER defined above. It is actually only used to provide the size at this point.

-I create 3 semaphores: mutex, full, empty.

-fork(): in the child (consumer) I call a get of the data on the buffer and if the number found is -1 (termination token) it puts it back and exits the loop, terminating. In the parent (producer) I execute a for which puts each index on the buffer respectively and at the end puts a -1 (termination token).

-Then wait until the consumers are finished and eliminate the traffic lights. The get and put functions are the classic codes of producer-consumers.

ps. SYSC() macro is only used for error management.

#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#include <fcntl.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <semaphore.h>

#define SHM_NAME "/shm8"
#define MUTEX "/mutex"
#define FULL "/full"
#define EMPTY "/empty"

#define N 10
#define SYSC(value, command, message) if ((value=command) == -1){perror(message); exit(errno);}
#define SYSCN(value, command, message) if ((value=command) == NULL){perror(message); exit(errno);}

typedef struct{
    int B[N];
    int *head;
    int *tail;

void put(int, int*, int*, int*, sem_t*, sem_t*, sem_t*);
int get(int*, int*, int*, sem_t*, sem_t*, sem_t*);

int main(){
    int ret_value, mem_fd;
    void * ptr;
    pid_t pid;
    sem_t * mutex;
    sem_t * full;
    sem_t * empty;
    int * head;
    int * tail;

    // Creating shared memory area
    SYSC(mem_fd, shm_open(SHM_NAME, O_CREAT | O_RDWR, 0666), "in shm_open");
    SYSC(ret_value, ftruncate(mem_fd, sizeof(STRUCT_BUFFER)), "in ftruncate");

    // Memory mapping
    SYSCN(ptr, mmap(NULL, sizeof(STRUCT_BUFFER), PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, mem_fd, 0), "in mmap");
    head = tail = ptr;

    // Closing file descriptor
    SYSC(ret_value, close(mem_fd), "in close");

    // Creating semaphores
    mutex = sem_open(MUTEX, O_CREAT | O_RDWR, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR, 1);
    if(mutex == SEM_FAILED) {
        perror("In sem_open");

    full = sem_open(FULL, O_CREAT | O_RDWR, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR, N);
    if(full == SEM_FAILED) {
        perror("In sem_open");

    empty = sem_open(EMPTY, O_CREAT | O_RDWR, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR, 0);
    if(empty == SEM_FAILED) {
        perror("In sem_open");

    // Creating a new process
    SYSC(pid, fork(), "in fork");

    if(!pid) {
        // Consumer code
        printf("Consumer %d starts\n", getpid());

        int toGet;
        while(1) {
            toGet = get(ptr, head, tail, mutex, full, empty);
            printf("Consumer %d consumed %d\n", getpid(), toGet);
            // If termination token
            if(toGet == -1) {
                put(toGet, ptr, head, tail, mutex, full, empty);

        printf("Consumer %d finishes\n",getpid());

    } else {
        // Producer code
        printf("Producer %d starts\n",getpid());

        int toPut;
        int exitToken = -1;

        // Production
        for(int i = 0 ; i < N ; i++) {
            toPut = i + 1;
            put(toPut, ptr, head, tail, mutex, full, empty);
            printf("Producer %d produced %d. Cycle:%d\n", getpid(), toPut, i);

        // Termination token
        put(exitToken, ptr, head, tail, mutex, full, empty);
        printf("Producer %d produced termination token\n", getpid());

        // Wait
        SYSC(ret_value, wait(NULL), "in wait");
        // Closing semaphores


        // Closing shared memory
        munmap(ptr, sizeof(STRUCT_BUFFER));

        printf("Producer %d finishes\n",getpid());



void put(int toPut, int * ptr, int * head, int * tail, sem_t * mutex, sem_t * full, sem_t * empty) {

    // Critical section
    ptr[*tail] = toPut;
    *tail = ((*tail) + 1) % N;


int get(int * ptr, int * head, int * tail, sem_t * mutex, sem_t * full, sem_t * empty) {

    // Critical section
    int toGet;
    toGet = ptr[*head];
    *head = ((*head) + 1) % N;


    return toGet;


  • Having inferred suitable definitions for your SYSC and SYSCN macros, I was able to build your program and confirm your observed misbehavior.

    The primary error is to do with the head and tail pointers. When you declare them as pointers in main and initialize them like so:

        head = tail = ptr;

    , you are treating them as if they are pointers to the head and tail elements of the buffer themselves. It would be ok in that case for the head and tail pointers to initially alias each other and the base pointer.

    In your get() and put() functions, however, you are treating head and tail as pointers to variables storing the indices of the head and tail elements. For example:

        ptr[*tail] = toPut;
        *tail = ((*tail) + 1) % N;

    For that use, it is not ok for those pointers to alias each other or the data. They need then to point to their own, separate objects.

    As a secondary matter, the head and tail indices (ints, not pointers) need to be shared between the processes, because the consumer process accesses both. In the original code, the head and tail pointers used are both local variables of main, and so not shared between processes (each process has its own, independent copies of these). It looks like you might have planned to share the pointers via the shared STRUCT_BUFFER object, but ended up not doing so. This would be an appropriate place to put the head and tail indices that you need to share.

    Additionally, I would recommend