I have a piece of code as below which uploads a simple file as binary utilizing expo-file-system and everything works fine.
import * as FileSystem from 'expo-file-system';
const res = await FileSystem.uploadAsync(uploadUrl, uri, {
fieldName: 'file',
httpMethod: 'PUT',
uploadType: FileSystem.FileSystemUploadType.BINARY_CONTENT,
headers: headers,
How to show the upload progress just like a simple axios upload progress?
In case the feature is not implemented how can I still upload a file as binary using axios
to show the progress
This should solve your problem :)
const uploadTask = FileSystem.createUploadTask(crData.putUrl, media.path, {
fieldName: 'file',
httpMethod: 'PUT',
uploadType: FileSystem.FileSystemUploadType.BINARY_CONTENT,
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'image/jpeg'
}, ({ totalBytesSent, totalBytesExpectedToSend }) => {
const progress = parseFloat((totalBytesSent / (totalBytesExpectedToSend || 1)).toFixed(2));
const result = await uploadTask.uploadAsync();