I want to evaluate my JS array through QJSValue and call required methods. For example: push
, splice
, etc... But calling Array.prototype.push
(or others) has no effect.
//QQmlApplicationEngine myEngine;
auto arr = myEngine->evaluate("[1, 2, 3]");
qDebug() << arr.isArray(); //true
qDebug() << arr.property("length").toInt(); //3
qDebug() << arr.property("push").call({4, 5, 6}); //call Array.prototype.push
qDebug() << arr.property("length").toInt(); //3
What's wrong?
arr.property("push").call({4, 5, 6});
looks like to be JS with this
set to the Array
Array.protoype.push(4, 5, 6);
Try to call the property with this
set to the arr
arr.property("push").callWithInstance(arr, {4, 5, 6});