
New Karate Plugin update is giving issue in intelliJ

""" @custUpdWorkflow Scenario Outline: * def ScenarioName = '' * def requestBody = schemaJson.requestBody * set requestBody.iv_request.reference_no = Java.type('DateFormat').generateReferenceNumber() * def filteredData = filterNullAndEmptyArray(requestBody) * print filteredData * call read('classpath:templates/custUpdateTemplate.feature@t_custUpdate'){payload : #(filteredData)} * match response == schemaJson.responseSchemaForSuccess * def Message = response.et_message[0].message * print 'Message: ',Message * match response == schemaJson.responseSchemaForSuccess * print response

  | read('classpath:schemas/UPDCust.csv') |


after i installed updated Karate plugin in intelliJ, error is ' expected, got '#': 40' at place #(filteredData).


  • The reason is { payload : #(filteredData) } is invalid JSON. Please change it to: { payload : '#(filteredData)' }.

    Yes the parser behind the scenes is lenient to some extent, but nowhere in the Karate documentation or examples have we removed the quotes.