
Is it possible to import Eclipse projects without .classpath files?

I'm on process which connect Eclipse projects to Github

My projects has made as Dynamic web project

I uploaded my files on Github(using push) and cloned it on other computer

But as I know, When you share your project through your teammates, you don't need to share .classpath or buildpath things..

so I maed my gitIgnore file from the website that I can make it (used keywords 'Windows, Eclipse, Maven, Java ...')

Clone whole folder has done completely well, but after that when I tried to open my workspace there is nothing and I cannot see my projects there.

so I tried all 'import project' menus but it says 'no projects found'

** People here advised if there is no .classpath files you cannot import projects. but Gitignore has those files to ignore.**

How can I import those projects without .classpath files .. ??

All import projects from.. menus


  • You can import an "existing Maven project". This will use Maven's pom.xml to recreate Eclipse's required files (not only .classpath), and it's a good idea to do so (e.g. use maven or any other build tools), as your project can be built anywhere.