I'm using Yajra DataTables in Laravel and experiencing issues with the search functionality for the modefied column (HAWB). I've modified the HAWB column definition to display a clickable link, but searching on the actual HAWB value isn't working.
return DataTables::of($data)
->addColumn('HAWB', function ($row) {
$url = route('shipment_tracking') . "?trknbr=" . $row->HAWB;
return "<a href='$url' target='_blank'>$row->HAWB</a>";
` $('#airwaybill-tracking').DataTable({ pageLength: 10, processing: true, serverSide: true,
ajax: route.admin_dashboard,
columns: [,
data: 'HAWB',
name: 'HAWB',
className: 'text-sm',
I'm using Laravel with Yajra DataTables package I'm using server-side processing
What I've Tried:
I've verified the route configuration for route('shipment_tracking'). I've used console logs to check the search term and generated URL. I've tried temporarily disabling other column definitions to isolate conflicts.
Expected Behavior: Users should be able to search for HAWB numbers, even though the column displays a link.
Actual Behavior: Searching doesn't seem to work correctly for the HAWB column.
Replace your Controller Code:
return DataTables::of($data)
->editColumn('HAWB', function ($row) {
$url = route('shipment_tracking') . "?trknbr=" . $row->HAWB;
return "<a href='$url' target='_blank'>$row->HAWB</a>";
In then inspite of addColumn
use editColumn
then you will also be able to search that field