
Screenshot of entire element with element which is scrollable

I want to perform a visual regression test on an element which is inside a div element with overflow:auto. This means it is scrollable and does usually not fit the screen. If an element screenshot is taken, there is no option like fullPage: true for takeElementScreenshot() in testcafe. Also if I take a fullpage screenshot the #sidebar-quicklinks is cropped as well. A simple example would be:

  "2 Check Studienabschluss FE",
  async (t) => {
    await t.takeScreenshot({
      path: "pre_post/2.png",
      fullPage: true,

    await t.takeElementScreenshot("#sidebar-quicklinks", "pre_post/3.png", {
      includeMargins: true,

How can I take a full screenshot of teh element #sidebar-quicklinks in testcafe? I was thinking about changing the resoltion of the window with resizeWindow() but this might break video capture if I am not mistaken.

Thanks for your help.


  • The takeElementScreenshot method cannot capture the full element if it extends beyond the viewport. However, you can capture a full-page screenshot without cropping #sidebar-quicklinks. To achieve this, you need to modify the styles of .sidebar-container and #sidebar-quicklinks via ClientFunction, and then take a full-page screenshot:

    import {ClientFunction } from 'testcafe';
    const changeStyles = ClientFunction(() => {
      document.querySelector('#sidebar-quicklinks').setAttribute('style','overflow: unset');
      document.querySelector('.sidebar-container').setAttribute('style','max-height: unset');
      "2 Check Studienabschluss FE",
      async (t) => {
        await t.takeScreenshot({
          path: "pre_post/2.png",
          fullPage: true,