Need to get a number using only one loop for and charCodeAt()
We can't use native methods and concatenations, parseInt, parseFloat, Number, +str, 1 * str, 1 / str, 0 + str, etcc
const text = "In this market, I lost 0,0000695 USDT, today is not my day";
function getAmount(str) {
const zero = "0".charCodeAt(0);
const nine = "9".charCodeAt(0);
const coma = ",".charCodeAt(0);
let num = 0,
factor = 1;
for (let i = str.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const char = str.charCodeAt(i);
if (char >= zero && char <= nine) {
num += (char - 48) * factor;
factor *= 10;
return num;
Need result: 0,0000695
My current result is 695
Tell me how to correct the formula for writing zeros
When you hit a comma, you need to convert the current value to a fraction:
const getAmount = (str) => {
const zero = "0".charCodeAt(0);
const nine = "9".charCodeAt(0);
const comma = ",".charCodeAt(0);
let num = NaN, // Init to NaN as a sentinal value. Could also use null.
factor = 1;
let haveComma = false;
for (let i = str.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const char = str.charCodeAt(i);
// Break when: it's not a number and not a comma, but we have parsed number
const isParsable = (char == comma && !haveComma) || !isNaN(str.charAt(i));
if (!isParsable && !isNaN(num)) break;
else if (char >= zero && char <= nine) {
if (isNaN(num)) num = 0; // Reset from NaN to Zero, first time only
num += (char - 48) * factor;
factor *= 10;
// On comma, convert num to a fraction and reset factor
// Ex: num = 123 -> num = .123
else if (char == comma && !isNaN(num)) {
num /= factor;
factor = 1;
haveComma = true;
return num;
const text = "In this market I lost $10,0000695 USDT, today is not my day";
I just noticed that my answer is similar to a previously deleted answer. The issue with that answer is that they did not handle multiple commas in the string.