I'm using Laravel 9 Passport. On the front-end after a user signs into a social account, I"m passing the provider info to the Auth issueToken method. I'd like to return if a new account was created in Laravel (in contrast to if an account already existed).
In Laravel, my issueToken method looks like this:
public function issueToken(ServerRequestInterface $request)
try {
return $this->server->respondToAccessTokenRequest($request, new Psr7Response);
} catch (ClientException $exception) {
//never gets here! code below is meaningless.
$error = json_decode($exception->getResponse()->getBody());
throw OAuthServerException::invalidRequest('access_token', object_get($error, 'error.message'));
I have a SocialUserRevolver Model that overrides the resolveUserByProviderCredentials method. Here a createOrGetUser method is called, where a new user record is created, or an existing account is retrieved.
class SocialUserResolver implements SocialUserResolverInterface
* Resolve user by provider credentials.
* @param string $provider
* @param string $accessToken
* @return Authenticatable|null
* @throws Exception
public function resolveUserByProviderCredentials(string $provider, string $accessToken): ?Authenticatable
$providerUser = null;
try {
$providerUser = Socialite::driver($provider)->stateless()->userFromToken($accessToken);
} catch (Exception $exception) {
//Log::info('exception: '.$exception->getMessage());
//throw new Exception($exception->getMessage());
//if (! $providerUser->getEmail())
// throw new Exception('Email address not allowed');
if ($providerUser) {
return (new ProviderAccountService())->createOrGetUser($providerUser, $provider);
return null;
I'd like to find a good way to return a new field like "account_created", so the front-end can determine if this was a new account.
This is how I solved this problem:
In the createOrGetUser() method, if a new user was created I added a session variable:
session(['user_created' => true]);
Then instead of just returning the default response, I intercept the response, and then create a new response adding in the user_created field from the session data:
$response = $this->server->respondToAccessTokenRequest($request, new Psr7Response);
$bodyContents = json_decode((string) $response->getBody(), true);
//add user_created field to body contents
$bodyContents['user_created'] = false;
if ($requestParams and $requestParams['grant_type'] === 'social')
$bodyContents['user_created'] = session('user_created');
return response()
->json($bodyContents, $response->getStatusCode());