
Cannot get NET SHARE to work with spaced variables

I am trying to write a batch file that goes over existing network shares and deletes all the non-administrative ones.

Here's my code:

FOR /F "USEBACKQ SKIP=1 TOKENS=*"  %%j IN (`wmic /node: SHARE WHERE "Name like '%%[^$]'" GET NAME ^| findstr /r /v "^$"`) DO NET SHARE %%j /DELETE

SKIP=1for skipping meta-column information on wmic return

findstr /r /v "^$" for removing a trailing whiteline from wmic return which was getting captured in %%j

Now, this only works for share names that do not contain a space in-between.

To remedy, I have tried (which doesn't work as well):

FOR /F "USEBACKQ SKIP=1 TOKENS=*"  %%j IN (`wmic /node: SHARE WHERE "Name like '%%[^$]'" GET NAME ^| findstr /r /v "^$"`) DO NET SHARE "%%j" /DELETE

Further, trying to echo the %%j variable in quotes resulted in this:

FOR /F "USEBACKQ SKIP=1 TOKENS=*"  %%j IN (`wmic /node: SHARE WHERE "Name like '%%[^$]'" GET NAME ^| findstr /r /v "^$"`) DO @ECHO "%%j"

Only single quotes present

Where only single quotes got printed

Kindly help!


  • You can do all of that with a single WMIC command, without a For loop and without the need to involve FindStr or the Share option of net.exe:

    @%SystemRoot%\System32\wbem\WMIC.exe /Node: Share Where "Type < 2147483648" Call Delete